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Telehealth Couples Therapy: Benefits, Considerations, and Insightful Questions

Telehealth couples therapy grew dramatically in use over the last year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Providers and patients of all kinds were forced to switch to virtual services at…


Treating Attachment Trauma with Telehealth

In the age of Coronavirus, therapists are wondering how treating attachment trauma with telehealth might be different from doing so in person. Treating attachment trauma with telehealth can be an…


Helping Your Patients Overcome their Fear of Change

Helping patients overcome their fear of change is sometimes an inevitable component of mental health services. Even patients who are desperate for answers can sometimes put up the most resistance…


How Professionals Have Adapted to Telehealth for Social Work

Many of those in the helping profession have had to endure the transition into telehealth for social work. Since the start of the pandemic, many social workers have had to…


List of Effective CBT Techniques during Telehealth for Therapists

Telehealth for therapists has exploded over the last year as more and more mental health providers switched to digital services. While the change was initially due to the pandemic and…


Starting a Teletherapy Practice: How Virtual Care Benefits Seniors

Many providers are considering starting a teletherapy practice for the first time. The pandemic prompted an urgent need for mental health providers to find new ways to keep working with…


Why is 2021 the Perfect Year to Launch Your Telehealth Practice?

Is 2021 the perfect year to launch your telehealth practice? The answer is yes. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic forced providers to rethink care delivery within their organizations. While telehealth…


S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting in Teletherapy

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting in teletherapy is a popular method of setting and achieving goals. Widely used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), it stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Frame…


First Steps to Starting a Teletherapy Practice

Are you considering starting a teletherapy practice in your area? Across the industry, there has been a huge push toward the implementation of quality digital solutions. The pandemic prompted the…


How to Choose A Teletherapy Practice Management Software

If you were using a therapy practice management software pre-COVID-19, the features you valued most might have changed when the world went remote-only in the spring. If a significant number…