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5 Self-Care Tips Every Online Therapist Needs To Know

5 Self-Care Tips Every Online Therapist Needs to Know

Have you decided to take the leap into working for yourself as an online therapist?

Excited about the freedom you will have to choose your own hours and to work for yourself?

Working from home can be a practical solution to improving the balance between your work and home life. Therapy from the couch, however, can also bring a host of struggles, including long hours, headaches and neck discomfort associated with excess screen time, limited social supports, and a lack of separation between work and home life.

Combat these struggles by implementing the following self-care tips:

1. Get Up & Move

Exercising your body will energize your mind. Experience the positive hormonal release of endorphins by following any 6-8 week at-home exercise program. Postural restoration videos will benefit online counselors as well since we spend a lot of time seated with a forward head posture which places stress on our necks, backs, and shoulders. Do an internet or YouTube search of an exercise program that best suits your goals. Spend 20-60 minutes exercising every day in order to keep a healthy mind/body connection.

2. Choose Nutrient Dense FoodsChoose nutrient dense foods

Working from home can open the door to daytime snacking. Clear the cabinets of those processed foods and replace them with nutrient dense snacks such as berries and nut butter, Greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, celery and carrot sticks, and green smoothies. Exercising and choosing nutrient dense foods nurtures the mind/body connection, leaving you feeling energized and ready to tackle the day’s tasks.

3. Create a Workspace & Structure Your Day.

Although it may seem easier to sit or even lay on the couch while working, this may impact your productivity. Start with a chair and desk, or even a partitioned area on your kitchen table.  Having a designated workspace also creates a boundary between work and home. I found that working on the couch left me open to more distractions and interruptions by dogs, children, and even laundry! Once you have created your workspace, communicate a boundary to other household members to prevent interruptions in your day. Use your Trello App or Google Calendar and schedule out your day.  Sessions, vision breaks, webinars, blogging and social media marketing, non-work tasks, exercise time, and even personal time should be scheduled.  If it will take time, find a place for it in your schedule and stick to it.

4. Practice Self-Discipline.

Working from home can provide a relaxing environment, but we don’t want it to be too relaxed.  Give these tips a chance to work for you by committing to them for 4 weeks. Remember that it takes time and patience to build new healthy habits. Dress for success, brush your teeth, and get ready for the day ahead of you.  Staying in your pajamas all day may seem like a dream come true until the days begin to run into each other and that life balance that you were seeking becomes a bit blurred. Your clients deserve the best of you, and if your aim is to help them make better choices, you may want to start your day with making good choices for yourself.

5. Join a Support or Networking Group with Other Online Counselors.8

Working in an office setting provides more opportunities for social interactions whereas working from home can feel isolating at times. Join a support or networking group to speak to fellow online therapists about issues and ideas pertaining to the field.  It may also be beneficial to seek out a supervisor to maintain accountability for the quality of your sessions.

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About the Author

Rose Skeeters, MA, LPC, PN2, NCC

Rose Skeeters_thera-LINK Guest Blogger_5 Self-Care Tips Every Online Therapist Needs to KnowRose Skeeters is the creator of Thrive: Mind/Body, LLC, an innovative online counseling and wellness practice aimed at helping adults and teens that have experienced trauma heal their inner pain and transform their lives. Rose also provides consulting and clinical supervision to like-minded and driven clinicians. Are you interested in learning more tips to grow your online practice? Contact her today at